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R Zachary Lamberty
MS in theoretical physics, Cornell Laboratory for Solid State Physics
Advisor: Christopher Henley (1955 - 2015)
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
Master of Science, Theoretical Physics (minor emphasis experimental physics)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
3.86 GPA
October 2012
University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN)
Bachelor of Science (magna cum laude), Physics and Mathematics
Minor Emphasis in College of Arts & Letters and Science Honors Program
3.88 GPA
January 2008
Research interests
Models and simulations of order-from-disorder systems and exotic quantum states, with an emphasis on highly frustrated magnetism.
Classical Topological Order in Abelian and Non-Abelian Generalized Height Models (with C. Henley and S. Papanikolaou), Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 245701 (2013)
Science Communication
Talks and Posters
DMRG Study of the S = 1 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a Kagome-like lattice without loops (poster)
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2012
Non-Abelian Classical Height Models and Topological Sectors (poster)
Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2011
Abelian and Non-Abelian Height Models (talk)
APS March Meeting 2011
Restricted Spin Set Lattice Models: A Route to Topological Order (talk)
APS March Meeting 2012
A Less Prickly Cactus (talk)
LASSP Theory “Pizza Talks” 2012
Science Advocacy
Science-Engineering-Technology Congressional Visit Day, April 2012
Science-Engineering-Technology Congressional Visit Day, April 2011
Teaching and Outreach
Teaching Assistant, Cornell University, August 2008 - June 2010 CCMR Outreach Organizer and Volunteer, January 2008 - August 2013 Physics Graduate Society Outreach Volunteer, January 2008 - August 2013 Executive Member, Physics Graduate Society, May 2009 - August 2013 Battalion Tutor, University of Notre Dame Navy ROTC, January 2007 - January 2008
Technical Experience
- programming and scripting languages (in order of familiarity): python, bash, R, SQL, PostgreSQL, xpath, C++, Java, C, C#, Mathematica, MATLAB, FORTRAN
- libraries and packages: scientific python stack (NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, scikit-learn), python visualization and display (matplotlib, plotly, ipython notebooks), C++ Boost, python web development (flask, tornado)
- programming tools: emacs, vim, Eclipse, putty, git, github, linux os (mostly debian) utilities, (s)ftp, atlassian products (JIRA, Confluence), maven
- data formats / transports / protocols: xml, soap, RESTful APIs, json, yaml, kml, geojson, google protocol buffers, snmp, FIX